OMG Rape is Soooo Funny!

OMG Rape is Soooo Funny!

That’s what this would-be comedian seems to think. At a recent improv festival in New York City, he openly confessed to raping a woman who was intoxicated. The woman had given her number to a coworker of the man’s, who had a girlfriend and decided to give the number to him instead. When the so-called comedian showed up at her door, she told him to go away and that he was not the man she wanted, but he went in and had sex with her anyway.

For those who argue that this isn’t rape, let’s clear this up: I don’t care if she was lying there naked with her legs splayed. If she tells you to “Go away,” that means no. This idiot thought he was funny (as did many of the men on stage with him), but as the women and men in the audience approached him to let him know that he was a rapist, he reportedly left the improv afterward.

Aside from pointing out that the female members of his audience were not happy with his performance, the other men doing improve didn’t seem to have much of a problem with this, either. They almost seemed to egg on the performance, laughing and not appearing very offended at all (at least, during the show). The “Men can stop rape” bumper sticker may seem trite to some, but in honesty that’s what it’s going to take. You can tell us to carry thirteen whistles and take fifty self defense classes and to dress like puritans on a boat to America all you want (and blame us for rape while you’re at it, as essentially that’s where you’re putting the blame for it rather than on the rapist’s shoulders); until rapists stop raping, it’s going to keep happening. And since it happens every 90 seconds, it’s a pretty big deal that doesn’t deserve laughter.