S & M Murder Trial Set in Switzerland

S & M Murder Trial Set in Switzerland

The lover of one of France's top bankers now has to defend herself in court for allegedly shooting Edouard Stern not once, twice, or three times, but four fricking times in the head during sadomasochistic sex

He was found dead dressed in nothing but a latex body suit. The murder itself took place four years ago and Cecile Brossard, now 40, is claiming it was "a crime of passion" after a night on which Mr. Stern "taunted her over a million dollars he had transferred to her account but later blocked."

I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE the British Press. Not only do the stories kick-ass, they appear ready-made for the pages of Perez Hilton's blog.  Today's "story" is no different.

Wow! Sounds like the plot straight out of a Guy Ritichie film to me. The infamous line that reported drove Ms. Broussard over the edge? "A million dollars is a lot of money to pay for a whore." (In another article, it was reported that Miss Broussard was actually a high-class call girl at one point in her life, so this may be why she reacted so strongly to his statement or I guess it could have just have easily been the fact that she was angered she did not get $1 million dollars from him. )

His lawyers equally demeaning to her and told the judge in no uncertain terms that Miss Broussard  was a "sexually deviant little blonde from the suburbs" who was scheming for Mr. Stern’s money as they attempted to get the charges raised to premeditated murder. Nice. Now that I think about it, it's got a Quentin Tarantino ring to it as well.  I had no idea that it was a crime to be blonde, sexually deviant or from the suburbs, but apparently I was wrong.

The judges, however, are closer to buying her side of things-and the charges have been  reduced to "unpremeditated murder". Mr. Stern's sons agree with this assessment as well and don't seem to have been too impressed with the version of events told by their father's attorneys.  They contend that the "relationship" between the two centered on emotional blackmail.

According to an earlier article, Stern once said told her, "I'm sad I can't teleport myself into your arms." in a phone message. Later phone messages, however, were not so sweet as he said, "I don't trust you. I vomit on you."

The Swiss trial is expected to last ten days.