Three Cheers for Captain Picard!

Three Cheers for Captain Picard!

Captain Picard's visit to Buckingham Palace, in the United Kingdom, this week, was not to brief England's head of state on Klingon business. Picard, one of the greatest captains in all of Starfleet history, was there to receive a small measure of his due. Yes, a knighthood. No, England's Queen did not bestow a knighthood on the good captain for saving the universe, a thousand times over, or for exploring the distant galaxies. No, she conferred upon him, Picard -- rather on Patrick Stewart, the title "Sir Knight", because Mr. Stewart is one of the best actors on the English stage. Mr Steward is also a star of TV, film, and of the English speaking live theater. He is one of the world's best actors. And he is a jolly good fellow! So now Picard / Mr Stewart is Sir Patrick Captain!

England's Queen is said to be a fan of the Star Trek. That speaks well for her.

In addition to his Star Trek work, Sir Patrick has been associated with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Sir Patrick, expressing his joy over receiving the honor, and his humility, said, "The knights of the theater represented to me not only the pinnacle of the profession but the esteem in which the profession was held. And now to find myself, to my astonishment, in that company is the grandest thing that has professionally happened to me." See the video.

Three Cheers for Sir Patrick, and for Captain Picard too.