Time Traveler? No way?!

Time Traveler? No way?!

The net and mainstream media too is buzzing about a video that has gone viral.

Reports the Associated Press --"A video from a bonus feature of the DVD to Chaplin's 1928 film "The Circus" shows a woman talking into something she's holding up to her ear.It appears to be a mobile phone, although they weren't invented until the 1970s. It's likely the actor is holding a hearing aid, but that hasn't stopped the video from amassing more than two million views on YouTube."

Debunkers of the Time Traveler tale say what the lady is holding is a tiny hearing device called an ear trumpet.One of those old-fashioned mechanical or resonating hearing aids. Philip Skroska, an archivist at the Bernard Becker Medical Library of Washington University in St. Louis. said that all ear trumpets were long and round, some were "short, compact rectangular."

The video below gives another possible explanation that the lady is scratching her head, under the rim of her hat. I wonder, if the lady is holding a hearing aid, or if  is she scratching her head ? I doubt that this is proof of time travel.