Charlie Sheen Fired, On Fire and Fired Up?

Monday, Charlie Sheen was fired from his two million dollars per episode, twenty two episodes a year, forty four million dollar gig, as the star of the hit TV-sit com, `Two and a Half Men' Warner Brothers the owners of the sit com released a statement that said,; "After careful consideration, Warner Bros. Television has terminated Charlie Sheen's services on 'Two and a Half Men' effective immediately."

Charlie Sheen is threatening to sue. Figures.

Charlie Sheen texted the world and his fans the message, "f... them. they lose."

Well, observers are commenting that Charlie Sheen is either brilliant or stupid. He tossed away a sweet gig because he couldn't control his urges? Two of the gang at The Young Turks, Ana Kasparian and Ben Mankiewicz, speculate, and they admit, without proof, that Mr. Sheen, in so many words, saw the coming of the close of his TV show, so he decided to become a bigger than life character. Does that make sense? See the video.

Talking about videos, see their take on Charlie Sheen's web video series.

There is speculation that Charlie Sheen has gotten a free ride from social critics for his alleged battery of women, for his alleged use of the 'N-word', for his pro-drug talk. No excuses can justify battery or bigotry. If Charlie Sheen has gotten an easy roll, the reason probably is because of the known politics of his family -- of his father, and because he comes across as a big adult kid, Peter Pan-ish, would won't grow up, and who is rebelling in public against his father and against his father's values?

America is watching Charlie Sheen. Why? To see the downfall of a celebrity?; Because Charlie Sheen is the American rich boy who refuses to grow up? Because Charlie Sheen is just so outrageous that he's cool? Whatever the reason, the act is wearing thin. Charlie Sheen needs writers. He is not clever enough to be outrageous and funny without writers. He is being outrageous and sick, and sick is not funny, is boring. The public act that is the Charlie Sheen show may close soon.

Why Explain A laughing baby?

Another Internet sensation, another viral video, another laughing baby. Another cute kid that gets the tired, cranky, world smiling.

Yeah, dancing babies, laughing babies, as long as the dancing and laughing looks real, as long, as true happy joy flows from the innocent soul of a tot, there is the power to make the world stop for a moment.

Well, to make a person stop for a moment, to take a time out, to relax a little, to take a reprieve from the pressure that come from just living, from just sitting up in a chair, from just watching a screen.


The pressures of the ordinary world, pressing around, and of a person knowing that there are so many things coming at a person, and sometimes one too many, and; then, he sees and hears a baby laugh.

A real cute little kid laughs, and one smiles, and one feels better.

But why did they, the kids parents, the MSNBC guys, bring the kid on MSNBC? To get ratings for MSNBC? But with the MSNBC guy in the studio, the whole thing with that laughing kid, looked phony.

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Charlie Sheen and the Sliding Scale of Domestic Violence

Everyone agrees that Charlie Sheen abuses women. But strangely enough, a lot of people don't seem to care about it very much. Or lump it in under the category of "bad boy behavior."

Why? Because Charlie Sheen beats the wrong kind of woman. (Or, if you're the abuser, I guess it would be the right kind.)

Remember when those pictures of Rihanna's bruised face were splashed across the news? Chris Brown was instantly and permanently blackballed. Wrigley stopped airing his gum commercial. His professional life was essentially over in an instant.

But Charlie Sheen? Meh.

First, a quick run-down of the crimes Charlie Sheen has committed. Not to retread old ground, but because a lot of people - myself among them - may not fully grasp the scope of this problem.

In the last 20 years, Charlie Sheen has:
  • Shot Kelly Preston in the arm.
  • Hit an unnamed college student in the head when she refused to have sex with him.
  • Threw Brittany Ashland to the floor during a fight at his mansion.
  • Shoved and threatened to kill Denise Richards.
  • Held a knife to the throat of Brooke Muller.
  • So terrified Capri Anderson during a "rampage" that she locked herself in the bathroom.
  • Threatened to cut off Brooke Muller's head, box it up, and ship it to her mother.

What's clear from this litany is that women are not safe in Charlie Sheen's presence. So why the lack of outrage? Frankly, because Sheen chooses to abuse women who newscasters are likely to refer to as "whores" or "gold diggers." Even Arianna Huffington, who frankly I would have thought better of, sarcastically Tweeted that these women "symbolize modesty, loyalty, and good taste."

Unfortunately, it's one of the unspoken quirks of our culture that if you work in the sex industry, nothing that happens to you really matters. If Charlie Sheen had frightened, I don't know, Natalie Portman so badly that she locked herself in the bathroom fearing for her safety, you'd better believe the public would be howling for blood. But since it was an adult movie star, no one even bothers to shrug.

This societal apathy is why serial killers always pick prostitutes as their victims. Prostitutes are disposable human beings. They don't matter. Who cares?

I don't half wonder if Charlie Sheen picks sex industry workers for girlfriends for the same reason that Gary Ridgway picked south Seattle street prostitutes for murder victims. Ridgway probably would have been convicted a lot sooner if he had been inviting pretty blonde wealthy suburbanite kids into his van. And I have no doubt that Charlie Sheen would have lost his job years ago if he had been punching "better" women in the head. You know; women who matter.

Instead, Sheen is the Crazy Flavor of the Month. We humor him, because his rants amuse us. Frat boys (and their ilk) idolize Sheen's idealized lifestyle - rolling in cash; partying with beautiful women. The fact that he also threatens those women at knife point? Shruggo!

I mean, heck, at least Gary Busey has never hurt anyone but himself. And what can you say about someone who looks bad compared to Gary Busey?

Photo credit: Flickr/jarvic7

Charlie Sheen: Joke of the Month?

The Charlie Sheen media circus! Are we laughing at or with Charlie Sheen? He is so outrageous that he is the joke of the month. America loves him. So-called cool America, the with-it, the let the water ride across the broad part of your nose America, gets a kick out of laughing at him. This America stomps her feet, cracking her sides, with laughter, at the crazy things he says, and she shakes her head and says, "That Charlie Sheen, wild and crazy guy."

And there is a large segment of America who is just outraged by him. A large part of the media is in this party of Americans. This group of offended people just can't wait to repeat, or replay, or act out, the latest outrageous thing that he has said for the day. Well, what this group does is no more than to carry on with tradition -- its normal media hypocrisy.

Yes, this week America probably has heard from and watched more stuff about Charlie Sheen, stuff that I can't say no one wants to know, because Charlie Sheen has a huge fan base, and a massive amount of followers on Twitter. There has been more Charlie Sheen stuff in the news this week than there has been about the upheaval in the middle East, and the mess in the Midwest, and the Prince William's royal wedding. And like his defenders say, he has not done a Col. Muammar el-Qaddaf and mowed down unarmed protesters. He has been accused of getting stoned out of his hard head, thrashing rooms and slapping a porn star or two.

Charlie Sheen, performing as, pretending or acting out,  becoming / being the jackass, has become gold for comics and comedy writers, and they have been mining him.

Item from the Associated Press -- "Late-night comics hope the Charlie Sheen story never ends and the world -- judging by social media -- can't get enough of the troubled sitcom star. " See the video.

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Amazon: The Walking Dead: Season One (DVD - $17.99) (Blu-ray - $22.99)

Free Shipping on $25 or more or with Prime. This title will be released on March 8, 2011.

Amazon is offering The Walking Dead: Season One on DVD for only $17.99 or Blu-ray for $22.99 with FREE shipping if you spend over $25 or if you have Amazon Prime. These are some of the best prices for this pre-order (This title will be released on March 8, 2011) any store is offering! Alternatively, you could get the series streaming (instantly) for as low as $9.99 for the whole season if you decide to purchase it an watch the show using Amazon Video On Demand.

After waking from a coma in an abandoned hospital, police officer Rick Grimes finds the world he knew gone - ravaged by a zombie epidemic of apocalyptic proportions. Nearby, on the outskirts of Atlanta, a small encampment struggles to survive as 'the dead' stalk them at every turn. Can Rick and the others hold onto their humanity as they fight to live in this terrifying new world? And, amidst dire conditions and personal rivalries, will they ultimately survive one another? AMC’s The Walking Dead is an epic, survival adventure series from the director of The Shawshank Redemption and the producer of The Terminator and Aliens.


Extra Footage and Featurettes including The Making Of THE WALKING DEAD
Inside THE WALKING DEAD Episodes 1-6
A Sneak Peek with Robert Kirkman
Behind the Scenes Zombie Make-Up Tips
Convention Panel with Producers

More UFO Files Released

The Problem With UFOs: No One Wants To Believe?

And so the British government has released more UFO files? So the UK, New Zealand, The U.S? Who else? Who hasn't released UFO files?

I think that there is something to UFOs. I would like to believe that all UFOs are fake, or are explainable, and every UFO can become an identified flying object, perhaps a secret American air craft or a child's wayward balloon, but definitely not anything extra-terrestrial. But I suspect that all UFOs can't be easily explained away, as something from this planet or from people's imaginations..

Among the UFO files that have been released, so far, are many reports of sightings that lend themselves to no explanation, other than that maybe, those UFOs are the products of something from beyond this planet. This new batch of files? More of the same.

But does that which is released tell all that there is to tell? The governments which have released UFO files, have released files which provide no clear answers. Some of the files continue to raise the questions that have already been raised. First among the questions are: Could the release of UFO files be a clever ploy?

;For years governments dismissed all talk of UFOs as rubbish and portrayed people who confessed to being eye-witnesses to UFO encounters as candidates for the loony bin. These acts of total suppression of facts and these denials only increased the ranks of the conspiracy theorists. Maybe the release of files that have a dab here and a dribble there of the true facts is a way of intentionally keeping the truth hidden. To hint that there might be something, while saying there probably isn't, is to address the issue raised for years by people whom have sighted something. This could be good public relations scheme to get away with releasing nothing. These releases of files, could be a clever way to keep a very big secret. behind a steel curtain . And so the governments of the world release thousands and thousands more of UFO files, which tell us nothing?

By releasing UFO files, governments seem so honest and open, and people have something to talk about other than wars and the world's bad economy

Item from ITN News -- "The (British) National Archives release thousands of (Britain's Ministry of Defense ) files documenting UFO sightings. Former MoD investigator, Nick Pope gives his thoughts." See the video. .

Mickey Rooney Testifies Against Elder Abuse

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Hollywood legend, the ninety year old actor, Mickey Rooney, came to Washington to testify before a special Senate committee considering legislation to curb the very serious problem of elder abuse. Mr Rooney testified that elder abuse comes in various forms, including physical and emotional.

Mr Rooney revealed that he was a victim of elder abuse, abused by a member of his own family. "I felt trapped, scared, used and frustrated, But above all, when a man feels helpless, it's terrible."

Reports the Associated Press -- "In his testimony, (Mr.) Rooney did not identify the family member he contends abused him. But he has obtained a restraining order from a judge in Los Angeles keeping his stepson, Chris Aber, away from him until an April 5 court hearing.

(Mr.) Rooney has accused Aber in court filings of withholding food and medicine and meddling in his personal finances. Attempts by The Associated Press to find a working phone number for Aber have been unsuccessful.

Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis., who chairs the Special Senate Committee on Aging, said the elderly are particularly vulnerable because they are "often fragile" and their abusers usually stand little chance of getting caught."

Many Americans and people in other countries too, grew up watching Mickey Rooney movies, the Andy Hardy series and others. It is very sad to know that Mr. Rooney has been mistreated in his senior years. Mr. Rooney's testimony reminds us all of the serious problem of elder abuse and calls on us to be alert to the signs that seniors are being abused.

Item from the Associated Press --"Mickey Rooney spoke out against elder abuse before a senate committee on aging on Wednesday. The 90-year-old actor says he's been the victim of abuse at the hands of his own family. " See the video.

Another Crazy Preacher Brings Himself Down?

Rev.Grant Storms: Hypocrite Of the Week?

The so-called Reverend, Mr. Grant Storms, the out of context, Bible mis-quoting, fundamentalist, so-called Christian preacher, who railed against others, smearing others with spit balls of slime from his self-righteous mouth, got busted for dillying and dallying with his willy, in a public place, near a playground full of children.


From The New York Daily News -- "An anti-gay pastor in New Orleans who once called masturbation "immoral" was arrested recently for doing just that at a public park. Grant Storms, who gained notoriety for using a bullhorn to protest an annual gay festival in Louisiana, was busted ... after two women allegedly saw him servicing himself in his van...

A woman who parked next to Storms' vehicle at Lafreniere Park in Metairie was taking her children out of her car when she allegedly witnessed the so-called "Christian patriot" seated behind the wheel with "his zipper down," police said on Monday. She saw him performing the sex act, then told another woman at the park, who approached his van in order to confirm the accusation, authorities said. The 53-year-old pastor allegedly tried to cover himself when he noticed her looking at him."

Do I delight in blogging about hypocrites? Not really. There is no joy in writing about any ones misstep, tumble and /or fall. So why do I blog about right-wingers caught in lies? Caught living a life of lies? Caught with dirt on their pants? Well, I take it as a duty to blog about the hypocrites, because the almighty self-righteous, by their words and deeds, injure and do so much harm.

Item from The Young Turks -- "Cenk Uygur breaks down the about an anti-gay fundamentalist Christian pastor who was arrested  for watching children play with his zipper down" See the video.
