June 2010

Facebook & the Boycott BP Page

BP, the big oil giant, mega polluter, destroyer of the Gulf Coast eco-system, is such a sneaky bunch of characters, that when a Facebook page critical of the company, a  Facebook page that calls for a boycott of the oil giant, a Facebook page that has over 700 thousand members, disappears from the net, without a warning, all fingers pointed to the BP PR machine. BP has brought off Facebook! -- so went the word across cyberspace.

Oh no, says Facebook. Our automatic robots did it. Not BP. Not us. No humans were involved. It was our automatic system.

Some bad droids? Bad robots? Whatever.

Air Pollution

The Post-Newsweek Stations television group is offering free air time to candidates for the upcoming 2010 election. This TV group is owned by the Washington Post Company and has broadcast stations in Florida, Texas and Michigan, in what are called battleground states, Florida and Michigan, are swing states during national elections, and Texas could be an important decider in 2012, because of its growing Hispanic vote..This year, 2010, there are important gubernatorial and congressional races. The outcome of the congressional races could determine the control of Congress.

June Wedding Colts-Style

Well, people get married in fish tanks, they exchange their vows with a robot presiding, a couple getting married at the Indianapolis Colts Stadium --well is --so what? It's June and June is for weddings and graduating from school, and waiting for winter sports to end -- ice hockey and basketball too. Any way, the Associated Press reports that a pair of "football fans decided to show their love for the Indianapolis Colts, and each other," -- It may have been better if in the news item their love for each other was mentioned before their love for the Indianapolis Colts -- but then the point of the article is to show the odd things people do, and Mr and Miss so and so getting married in June isn't odd, unless the ceremony takes place in an unusual venue, or is presided over by an unusual presider -- So the Mr. and Miss by holding their wedding at Lucas Oil Stadium made the news.

Cellphone Radiation Levels?

Yes, I do not trust cell phone manufactures who tell us that cellphones are perfectly safe, and that we should not worry about the radiation the phones give off. I waited for years before I got a cell phone. With the nearly disappearance of street phone booths and boxes, having a cellphone has become a necessity.

Of course when I use a cellphone, I use an earplug with a long cord,  and I hold the phone as far from my body as possible. I only take the phone with me when I have to be near a phone.

China's One Child Policy

The geniuses who thought up the one child policy in China should have foreseen what it would mean -- a nation of boys and boys and boys, and few girls. In Chinese culture the male is the center of the family. Males are essential to keep the family name going. Girls grow up and become part of her husband's family. The family of girls and no boys die out, and then who will look out for the family's ancestors? Since couples can only legally have one child,  couples do everything they can to make sure that the one child, they can have, is a boy. The Chinese government says its so-called "one-child policy" is succeeding in reining in its population. Of course, you need boy and you need girl to make baby. If there aren't enough girls, then some of the boys don't get to make babies. Some of the boys are left to live lonely lives, unless they are able to find comfort with other boys.

Chris Matthew's Hardball Doc

Chris Matthews of MSNBC did a fair and balanced documentary on the Tea Party Movement called "The Rise of the New Right" and the movement heads started bawling and calling for a boycott of Chris Matthews sponsors.

Right-wing activists are all buzzing themselves silly calling Mr. Matthews doc a "hit piece".  Why? Because Mr. Matthews showed the scary face of the Tea Party Movement? Pointed out the wing-nuts involved in the movement and other crazies? To anyone who doubts the involvement of wing-nuts in the Tea Party, I say: Go to the rallies, listen to the speeches. Any fair observer can see that Mr. Matthew gave a true picture of some of the characters involved in the Tea Party Movement, and telling the truth is telling the truth. It isn't as The National Tea Party Federation claims demonizing or misrepresenting the facts.

Robots! Look out!

Japanese scientists are moving forward with robots. Scientists at Tokyo University introduced to the world a baby robot named Noby. See the video,

Q: Why does the creation of this baby robot looks like an important development?
A: I watched the video. The scientists look like serious people. Are they out to replace us humans with robots?
A2: No. The scientists say the robot will help them understand how humans grow, they hope.
Q:Then, the robots will take over?
A:Yes, and no. The robots will take over the work humans don't want to do. Robots will be able to do many of the repetitive factory jobs.
Q: Aren't robot doing that now? Non-human looking robots, robots who -- I mean -- that look like the machines, that they are?
A: The human looking robots will be made smarter. They will look smarter too, and work smarter.
Q: Then they are going to take over?

BP Loves America, Filling Her Beaches With Free Oil

Get down to your beaches America! Gather up that oil! British Petroleum so loves America that it is filling our beaches with free oil!

Cranking Up The Pressure

The public is cranking up the pressure on President Obama to crank up the pressure on British Petroleum. Yesterday, the Obama administration accused British Petroleum of taking risky shortcuts, before the Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion, that resulted in the busted well, gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico. See the video.

The Better Part of Valor

In Mexico City, a young bullfighter, 22-year-old Mexican matador Cristian Hernandez, saw the bull and did what I would have done, made haste to get out of the bull's way. Senor Hernandez was arrested, because he made haste in getting out of the bull's way. When the senor took flight, he was doing; something I never would do, he was in a bull ring, had entered the bull ring, dressed as a bullfighter, was under contract to fight a bull!

Carrying the Mate

I saw this video and liked it. Men in Latvia testing their strength in a wife-carrying contest. See the video.

Well? Where should I start? After I watched the video, I scratched my head and pondered. I asked myself, "Now, what does it mean? How to I explain what I saw?" I looked for the true, deeper, underlying meaning of a man carrying his wife on his back? Carrying the wife on the back! Men still have to do that? I thought the 21st century woman wanted us to get away from that kind of thing.

I looked a little carefully -- Hauling the wife on the back, showing the little woman how strong men are? That is cave man stuff.

Well, the video is of a contest, right? Man and wife working together? The Man supplying the muscles and the strength; the wife showing her skill in hanging on? The best at the contest practice? Is this is the best way to get the wife to lose weight?

Paris Honors Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda, the actor, the person, the artist, is one of my all time favorite people. I am pleased to hear that she has received another honor.

Yesterday in Paris, in a ceremony, presided over by the mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe, the American actress Jane Fonda, who is looking very good at 72, received the Great Medal of Paris for her contribution to the city's art and culture.  Ms. Fonda was in the City of Light as part of the promotion for the Paris Cinema festival. The festival runs from July 3-13. She is France to make a film. See the video.

Russell Crowe Alive; His Recent Movie Died

I saw the rumor on the Internet yesterday afternoon that Russell Crowe had died and then the immediate announcement that Russell Crowe is alive and well, and is the latest target of an Internet celebrity death hoax. My first thought was good, great. Russell Crowe is well.

Russell Crowe is one of the best actors in the movies today. I must confess to a second thought that I had, when I heard of the hoax. It concerned his last movie. Yes, Russell Crowe is alive, it is his last movie, "Robin Hood," that is dead.

Abby's Stunt: Child Endangerment

It is a very good thing that Abby Sunderland, the 16 year old California girl who attempted to sail solo around the world, and who was lost and feared dead, has been found alive and well. But it is not a very good thing for a 16 year old girl to attempt to sail around the world by herself. It is a very reckless thing. Her stunt could have cost her her life. It did cost thousands and a lot more, for rescuers to search for her, after she set off distress beacons in stormy weather in a remote part of the Indian Ocean. Now, any lone sailor could run into the same bad weather and be forced to call for help. But a child is more vulnerable to danger than an adult. Rescuers risk their lives rescuing people caught in danger from stunts gone bad.

This is What Happens When British Petroleum/BP Spills Coffee

In case you missed it, BP or British Petroleum, those wankers who are refusing to divulge the extent of the giant oil spill off the coast of Louisianna (in U.S. Territorial waters), and killing thousands of birds, never mind the seals, manatees, turtles, fish and the rest of the ocean--has now threatened the BPGlobalPR Twitter parody with various unspoken demands about making their parody status clear ("We are not at all associated with Beyond Petroleum, the oil company that has been destroying the Gulf of Mexico for 53 days").

Tom Cruise Great Actor

At the MTV Movie Awards last Sunday night, Tom Cruise stole the show by reviving the character Les Grossman, the character he played to rave reviews in the 2008 film "Tropic Thunder."

Tom Cruise's Les Grossman at the MTV Movie Awards went over so well that, yesterday, to a few, if to anybody's surprise, Paramount Studios announced that the Tom Cruise's Les Grossman character will get his own movie. See the video.

Lindsay Lohan In Trouble?

A judge in LA released Lindsay Lohan, age 23, on bond for an alleged parole violation on a DUI conviction and told her not to drink and ordered her to wear an ankle monitor that supposedly detects the presence of alcohol.

Well, Yesterday, Ms Lohan's bail was doubled to $200,000, by the judge after finding that Ms Lohan violated the terms of her release with an adverse report by an alcohol ankle monitor. First of all somebody should check the ankle device, and if it is working properly, Lindsay Lohan should check her head, to see if she has any sense left in it.

Marvin Isley, R.I.P.

Marvin Isley, American musician, outstanding bass guitarist, and the youngest member of one of the best family R&B / soul groups, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Isley Brothers, died Sunday morning, June 6th, in a Chicago hospice from complications with diabetes, after a twenty year struggle. He was only fifty six years old.

The Isley Brothers, which has often been called history's best brother's band was formed in 1954 with the three eldest brothers Isley -- O'Kelly Jr., Rudolph and Ronald -- Marvin Isley joined in 1973, when the group expanded to six performers. The Isley Brothers had many hits, including, "That Lady," "The Heat is On," "Go For Your Guns" and "Fight the Power."

The Associated Press reports, Marvin Isley's widow Sheila "is remembering her husband of 20 years as a great family man who loved his children."

Wedding in a shark tank

NYPost — June 07, 2010 — "A Long Island couple exchanges vows in shark tank."

Say what? Read that again. A couple in Long Island, New York, got married in a shark tank? Crazy. I mean crazy. And a minister took part? Double crazy. I thought the marriage ceremony was a religious ceremony and not a weirdo show. Am I not right? See the video.

Well, people can get married any way they want, can't they? I suppose they can and do. Last month a couple in Japan exchanged their vows with a robot presiding. I don't think we need a preserve the sanity of marriage act, or a seriousness of marriage act.  We don't need a law or a Constitutional Amendment that says: No fish tanks, no robots, no gimmicks. Freedom is what freedom is, the right to make a complete fool out of ourselves at anytime. The Wedding Day is no exception.
