June 2009

Arizona Election Tie-Breaker: Drawing Cards

Not every disputed election ends with in revolutions in the streets. Take the case of Cave Creek, AZ (wonder how they picked that name), who recently had a tie-breaker in their election for the top CIty Council seat.

The Arizona state legislature mandates that any election ties are to be determined in a game of chance. Perhaps not feeling lucky enough to toss a coin, roll dice or draw straws, the incumbent Thomas McGuire and Adam Trenk decided to go a more traditional route,  (no they did not have a duel) and instead decided the election based on the highest card.

Imagine the made-for-tv movie with the accompanying sappy music and/or drumroll to set the scene.

The incumbent drew first. Again, we are talking cards, not guns here. It was a six of hearts.

Sweden and Pirates

I love Sweden. The men are hot. The women are hot. The latest news out of Sweden has made me even more effusive about the country. Without having been there, I have just developed a DEEP and possibly undying love for all things Swedish. (Well, maybe not all)

Socialism and beautiful blonde men and women are certainly a draw to Sweden, but they do not even begin to compare to the fact that Sweden has elected a Pirate to the EU. AAAAARRRR! Sweden and Pirates- Are there any two words in the English language that sound better together? I think not.
