July 2010

Breakingdancing In Seoul

Hip hop is as American as what? Baseball. Hip hop is universal as music is universal. Hip-hop dancing -- break dancing and hip hop culture are -- have gone around the world.

In Seoul, South Korea, hip hop teams from around the world squared off / battled it out for the championship. See the video.

Why is this significant? Does the world need more competition? Let's not focus on the competition, others might, but that is not my focus. It is the celebration of music and dance that moves me to make this post. The world gets smaller. Young people see what other young people do, and if it looks like fun, they do it too. Cultures come together, whether it's is baseball, or music and dance. If people are having fun, if people are happy, if what people do is cool, then it is cool. And a little breakdancing in Seoul, is good for the world's soul.

Something P.T. Barnum would have thought of

From AFP --" Some well-heeled Russians hoping for immortality are ready to pay a fortune to have their brains frozen when they die, until future technology allows them to continue their lives when the organs are transplanted into a new bodies and resuscitated." See the video.

Are you kidding? Would any body who is using his brain spend $10K to have their brains frozen to be thawed out in a zillion years? Will their be a habitable planet earth in a hundred years? Check with BP on that one. Let's suppose there is a planet earth in a few years down the road and around the bend, can anybody who hasn't bumped their head count on their frozen brains being thawed out and transplanted into a mechanical body? This sounds like something P.T. Barnum would have schemed, before he went legit. In the days when the motto he lived by was -- "A sucker's born every minute."
