September 2011

Miracle Whip, Mayo, and the Opportunity for Free Miracle Whip Samples

Which camp are you in? Miracle Whip or Mayo?


There are two kinds of people in the United States: Those who like mayonnaise and those who like Miracle Whip. There is absolutely no such thing as a person who likes both. Don’t believe me? It’s been scientifically proven time and time again by countless scientists and researchers at great universities across the United States. 

Pop culture says you can't do something; why not?

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk more,” is a quote by writer Erica Jong that really resonates with me. It’s absolutely true in so many ways. You can’t have any strong feelings towards something if you haven’t invested yourself into it. It’s kind of an obvious quote, but I think that people can get sidetracked by expectations and they do the exact opposite of what Jong suggests.