Argentina: It's the 21st century

Argentina: It's the 21st century

Argentina early this morning, Thursday, became the first Latin American country to legalize same-sex marriage. What this means is that in the eleventh year of the 21st century we really are living in a new century.

In the past, couples came together and committed themselves to each other and formed unions to preserve their families. Couples got married to have children for the survival of the species. Reproduction was the driving force behind public sanctioned relationships. Same sex coupling was taboo and kept hidden -- was something forbidden and scorned, and blossomed only when invisible, far from the public' s sight. Now that the human species has prospered and has multiplied in great numbers, and has the benefits of medicines and an abundant food supply, and the prospect of survival until the sun goes nova, or until we, humans, blow ourselves up, the species has the luxury of the freedom to couple as its members choose. The public sanctioning of same-sex coupling is a natural consequence of human prosperity and social evolution.