Bill Der Beaver (Zoobilee Zoo) found - living life as Miley Cyrus! Transformation wig to blame.

Bill Der Beaver (Zoobilee Zoo) found - living life as Miley Cyrus! Transformation wig to blame.

After some thorough online investigating (mostly google, and wikipedia) I was able to uncover one of the biggest secrets to hit Hollywood since the celery and ice diet.

I have waited for this moment since about 1987 when Zoobilee Zoo first went off the air. Heartbroken and alone I vowed I would find out what happened to my favorite childhood character - Bill Der Beaver. He has been living in secret as pop sensation Miley Cyrus. All Bill needed to do to conceal his secret identity was simply wear a wig and pretend to be the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus (former country music, Beaveresque, has been).

Apparently after the show ended Bill Der Beaver went on a "Where Are They Now" alcohol bender, built a beaver dam out of empty of Jim Beam whisky bottles (outside of Volunteer Park, Seattle, WA), and tried to kill himself. Afterall, he was a beaver living in a mans world who would take him seriously?

Several botched suicide attempts later he came up with a fantastic idea - throwing on a wig to become a teen sensation. He has lived hidden among us, in shame of course for years - but now hes been found!

Recently I got a chance to talk to Bill Der Beaver via SKYPE during one of my routine, midday, vicodin highs. Due to legal reasons, however,  I am not allowed to share any of that. The only thing I can say is that there is a pretty popular tween show out there that involves throwing on a wig and becoming an instant celebrity... and the idea was born from true life.