Coming Soon - Nightmare on Elm Street Remake (2010) Announces Newest Cast Members

Coming Soon - Nightmare on Elm Street Remake (2010) Announces Newest Cast Members

Rooney Mara as Nancy
Kyle Gallner as Quentin
Thomas Dekker as Jesse
Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger
Kellan Lutz as Dean

I am so excited for this movie to come out - I can barely contain myself! Like most people who didnt get much out of the 90's, or the early 00's, I am still living the dream in the 80's! What is more 80's than Freddy Krueger? Well besides the obvious ...

I know that this remake will probably be a total mockery of the original, but a boy can have some hope can't he?

If anyone gets any more breaking NMoES10 news please pass it along! I cant sleep without knowing whats next!

Oh yeah and it's too bad Mister Rogers is dead, otherwise I would be EVEN MORE EXCITED that 2 of my favorite childhood terrors teamed up. I would Never Sleep Again.