FAIL: Little Hotties Adhesive Toe Warmers

FAIL: Little Hotties Adhesive Toe Warmers

It’s not all that cold here, but since I am not a duck, do not feel like wearing rubber boots every day, and have extremely poor circulation, I decided to try, “Little Hotties Adhesive Toe Warmers” both for the novelty and for the relatively rare sensation of having warm toes.

I opened up the package was surprised to see that the Little Hotties, which have nothing to do with Red Hots, look exactly the same as half ultra-thin maxi-pads without wings. Because each Little Hottie pad looks like it belongs in the feminine hygiene department, I wasn’t really excited to either of  them on my toes, elbows, or any other miscellaneous body parts for that matter. The fact is that the I-pad might be a more fitting name for the product, but that’s just my opinion.

Despite my reservations, I decided to try it out.

When I placed one of the “Little Hotties Adhesive toe warmer” against my cheek to test it, it felt warm, but not necessarily hot. In order to save myself the embarrassment of appearing to have a maxi-pad on my face, I am not going to post a picture of myself with the Little Hotties and haven’t found anyone willing to pose for this particular photo shoot.

I put the “Little Hotties” on my feet, and while they felt warm, they were too small for me.  Apparently, “Little Hottie toe warmers” are intended only for small toes, which was not indicated on the package directions. My toes did get slightly warmer, but again, having a smallish half of an ultra-thin maxi-pad wrapped around your toes is not nearly as comfortable as you might imagine. There are obvious design flaws- no wings and no room for maneuvering the individual toes.

The front of the package promises 100% Wind Power, which I am not sure I understand.  While not an expert in wind power in general, I find the connection between Wind Power and keeping my toes warm through use of a maxi-pad tenuous at best. I guess that the idea is that the pads are air-activated, but again, I would have to consult an engineer to understand something this complex.

The package contains: iron powder, water, salt, activated charcoal, and vermuculite. If and only if my toes get warm enough in the promised 20 minutes, I am considering using them for a BBQ because of the charcoal, but am not exactly sure what to put on the “grill”- maybe a sliced button mushroom, or maybe a clove of garlic- I haven’t decided yet.