The Foul Mouthed C-Word Pub

The Foul Mouthed C-Word Pub

Please note that I am not reviewing this Pub, have never been to this Pub, and cannot vouch for the proprietor of the Pub, the ale sold in the Pub, or the general atmosphere. I cannot vouch for the veracity of the Pub either or if it even exists.

I can, however, tell you with all of my heart, that the name of this Pub will either shock and delight you or totally disgust you, depending on whether you are a member of the UK or the commonwealth or if you are American.

The web site for the Pub, which I can’t name here due to the fact that I am an American and can never utter the “C”-word, lest I be stoned to death for my own foul mouth, claims to have “original watercolour paintings of car accidents”, a toxic place for children to play, and a chance for newcomers to hear some “life threatening profanities”.

Sounds F-ing delightful, doesn’t it?

The beers on tap at the Pub are also full of profanities, which is exactly what one would expect from a Pub with this name and in the UK.

If you happen to take a trip to Dorset to visit the Pub, please drop me a line and let me know how it went.