Justin Bieber Is Buzzing Hot

Justin Bieber Is Buzzing Hot

Justin Bieber is still hot and getting hotter. Hotter than Lady Gaga, who is very hot? You Tube reports that "Baby" tops "Bad Romance," that the Justin Bieber has beat out Lady Gaga.

Mr Bieber music video, "Baby," with more than 246 million views, is the most-watched video ever on YouTube. It has scooted passed Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," is more that than 600,000 views. ahead.

According to the Associated Press, Justin Bieber tweeted a thank you to "Beliebers" and said the video's success was "crazy." The singer wrote: "I started on youtube so ... WOW!"

Lady Gaga's fans may have more to say about this. The AP reports, "Bieber's video and Lady Gaga's switched positions briefly Friday, but as of late afternoon, Bieber was ahead."

My take on this: The kid's is the moment's entertainer. He has the girl teens and tweens clicking away, and tweeting with their young, little fingers Lady Gaga is a talent with a whole lot of depth, and she is going to be popular for a long time.