No, Ms. Fiorina, the Jews are not "Breaking bread" at Passover

No, Ms. Fiorina, the Jews are not "Breaking bread" at Passover

According to Politico's

Ben Smith Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett Packard CEO and current Republican candidate for the Senate from California, has sent a letter to her supporters in honor of Passover. In the letter, Fiorina describes Passover, on the Jewish highholy days, as a time when "we break bread and spend time with our families and friends."

Passover is the holiday documented in the biblical book of Exodus, in which Jews celebrate the end of their bondage in Egypt. Because they had to flee, they had no time to bake leavened bread, and instead, they substituted on unleavened flat breads. In honor of that, no leavened bread or leavened anything is consumed at Passover (or even kept in the house), and Jews eat matzah instead of bread.

So no, Carly, the Jews are not "breaking bread." They might be finding the afikoman (or stealing it, depending on the family heritage and traditions) but they aren't breaking bread.

You know, stories like these make me wonder: doesn't anyone fact check the email for people like this? I mean, how hard would it be to do a quick search on Google if you're totally clueless about Pesach/Passover? It's not like Christian churches all over have their own seder.