A Titillating Performance

A Titillating Performance

Remember Janet Jackson’s nipple during the Super Bowl a few years back? Do you remember how “titillated” the American public was? (sorry, but the pun is definitely intended) Some loved it, while others thought it would lead to the degradation of “American Society” as we know it.

Now, Britain has their contender for public indecency, a “vaudeville performer” on Britain’s Got Talent.  Fabia Cerra, a 35-year-old housewife, performed, right there on stage in front of the judges (including of course Simon-fricking-Cowell himself) a little strip-tease, with pasties modestly covering her breasts.

She “ stuck the nipple tassels on really hard because it's a family show, but my left one came off.”

The judges sat there with shit-eating grins on their faces, while the announcer rushed on stage to protect what was left of Fabia’s modesty. The network covered her nipple with an image of the Union Jack, a patriot move that wasn’t appreciated by everyone as 39 viewers complained about the situation.

As a result, the network may be investigated for violating indecency standards.

The judges, on the other hand, were impressed. Simon loved the performance, saying that Fabia, was “my kind of woman.” Strong praise, indeed coming from Simon. All 3 judges agreed to put her through to the next round, but might be wondering, literally, how she could “top” that act.