Shirley Phelps - The Most Hated Woman in America.

Well. After scouring the internet for something fun I managed to stumble upon:

The Most Hated Family in America.

The Most Hated Family in America is a TV documentary by the BBC's Louis Theroux about the crazy "GOD HATES FAGS" family behind the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS.

This film is so shocking. There are young children being indoctrinated into a church whose whole idea of religion is the hatred of gays (as well as Roman Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Sweden, Ireland, Canada, The Netherlands, and other groups). These are also the same people who picket funerals for fallen soldiers as a means of expressing their concern over Americas love for the gays and sodomy.

It is really worth a look. It opened my eyes to how intolerant people are and the GREAT extremes of religious ideology. I think there is a special place in Hell for people like Shirley Phelps. She's completely out of control crazy and cryptkeeper-esque! Check it out!









My new favorite word, in case you haven't guessed, is Cougar. I Love, Love, Love it!

My new favorite website is and though I haven't signed up yet, I can't say it isn't tempting. Who among us hasn't wanted to "train" a young pup?  I don't know if the pictures are real, but some of the young men on the site I've seen are not bad looking at all. (Of course, that's only on their front page where the so-called Cougars all have more than little Koo Koo Kachoo about them) The funniest picture is above of the 52-old-year-old who wants a cougar. I'm wondering if he's thinking more like a Blanche Dubois or Bea Arthur (RIP) type or if he just never got the memo about what a cougar is in the first place. 

My new favorite TV show that I've never seen is "The Cougar" in which a number of young studs with names like Colt, Austin, and Adam compete for an older, but definitely hot, woman. It's too sunny outside to watch it now, but I'm definitely on it on the next rainy day.

My "research" into cougars was sparked off today by my excitement over the Christian singer/Math teacher Mrs. Zeo (God, I love her name) who "did the nasty" with one of her math students.  Check out that story here.

If I had a polling feature on here, I would ask who is the hottest cougar of all time and would like to offer up the following choices:

Mrs. Robinson was one of the first famous Cougars to appear in the public's eye. I think in terms of class, style, and total babiosity (is that a word) she was way out of the "graduate'" league.




I might be slightly biased to Demi Moore. You may not know this about me, but I have a rather tenuous six degrees of separation connection to Demi. She was once married to my friend Deb's uncle and though it was way before I knew Deb, I have felt quite close to her. Enough in fact, for me to have really, really wanted to have her body, if only for a day and because it is nice, not because I could get all crazy with Ashton Kutcher.



Samantha Jones on "Sex in the City" literally put the sex back in sexy. Younger men, bondage, older rich powerful men, you name it, she did it and with pleasure.






Mrs. Zeo (not really in the same league, but I absolutely could not fucking resist.) If you haven't read about her, do so now. I'm also quite positive she has a sexy photo of herself on her Facebook page and would have chosen a sexier pose for her album cover were it not for the fact that she is a Christian music artist.



The teacher in Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher".  This video is absolutely a must-see for you younger folks who might have missed it the first time.




And, last, but by no means least, Stiffler's Mom.

The Seattle Eagle - give it a chance peeps!

Okay. I get it. Most people are not turned on to the idea of bears and leather and hanky codes BUT this place is fantastic!

The drinks are so strong that I think they literally put hair on your chest. Everyone here has a hairy chest so I just assume. I guess thats not really fair to say. I haven't been able to find a more diverse group of individuals joining together under one small roof. From the early twenty somethings huddled together in the corner  to the older "hardcore" bears this place is a nice mix of our little community. There's even a few ladies now and again. Real ones well... ones born a lady.

I think it has gotten a really bad reputation over the years for various reasons. I'm sure that the majority of them are not based off of real things that happened. It is true, I assume, that the reason there are no doors of any kind in the bathroom is to prevent people from having sex there. I have seen it happen anyway, though. Thats a part of the fun! Old horny men getting it on. It's like a trainwreck - you can't help but stare. It's a part of the regional pike/pine charm I have grown to love over the years.

My favorite night happens to be "Bareback Thursday". It's not what you think. If you take your shirt off you get a dollar off your drink. How fabulous! Your already cheap drink just got cheaper. You haven't any dignity anyway. It is so fun to go here with a group of people. Last night I think there was like 10 of us, and between the great company and the strong drinks I had a rockin' night that couldn't be beat by most Capitol Hill bars.

Not in Seattle? That's okay! Its basically the Starbucks of leather bars so I'm sure there is one near you.

In short - give the Eagle a try... straight/gay/whatever you will have a great time! Oh yeah and I almost forgot... there's a sling!

The Seattle Eagle
Seattle’s Premier Leather Levi Bar
Open 7 days a week
Hours 2pm to 2am

Located at: 314 E Pike Street
Seattle WA 98122
(206) 621-7591

"Hot for Teacher," Mrs. Zeo

Koo Koo Kachooo, Mrs. Zeo.

This story is too good to be true. A Christian singer (can we say Schadenfreude here?), a Math teacher, a married woman and a mom of 3 has apparently just been busted for having sex with one of her 17-year-old students. It's difficult for me to find my absolute favorite thing in this story, but I'll try. It could be the Christian singer thing (her "hit single" was "Musical Math") or maybe it's the fact that the whole affair was started on Facebook. (Why I've never been be-friended by hot 17-year-olds still remains a personal mystery to me.) Not only was the sordid affair started on Facebook, Facebook was the primary method of communication used to plan future sexual acts together.

What i wouldn't give to have access to those Facebook messages. Couldn't we somehow get Risa Ferman, the Montgomery County District Attorney, to release those records in the name of the Freedom of Information Act? Seriously, if we got to read all about Bill Clinton’s blow job, we should get the vicrarious thrills of knowing the “juicy” details in this case, too. For the better welfare of society, I mean. Any lawyers that accidentally happen to be reading this should get on that, pronto.

Here’s the juice I do know: The two apparently had some petting-style action in the  classroom. Unfortunately, because of the age of the "youth" in question, I haven't seen his picture. Looks like he maybe took the Van Halen song, "Hot for Teacher" a little too seriously. Their second liaison was in a car, making me wonder if she was trying to re-live her youth as a cheerleader? (I don’t know for a fact if she was really a cheerleader or not- I just like to make fun of cheerleaders in general.)

She is charged with "Endangering the Welfare of a Child" and I'm looking forward to watching this on Court TV. Although she has lost her job and went to jail, I'm thinking that her album sales may go up....I'm just saying.....

I recently watched a dark tale on Hulu called "Sex and Consequences" that ended even a little more tragically than this. The cougar in that movie is undeniably hotter than Mrs. Zeo, however.

Another plus is that it wasn't like the case in the 90's in the greater Seattle area. For those of you too young to remember, this particular “Hot for Teacher”  story involved a woman and her sixth grade student and there may have been a pregnancy involved. That, my friend, to me, is definitely more than a little creepy.


Love bacon artificial bacon bits, but are too cheap to buy actual bacon bits and mayo for your actual sandwich? This just might be the answer for you:

Should God have a Twitter account?

God is everywhere, and specifically, he's/she's on the web. From a website that allows you to generate your own church signs, to a prayer based twitter service, God is definitely out there in full force.

I think the next step is for the Catholic Church to host online confessions. Link up your webcam to Father John in the cofessional and confess away. It's like sitting in the cofessional with the shade pulled, but almost a little more impersonal.

...Well wouldn't you know! After a little bit of searching, I did find an online confessional. Needless to say, it is definitely not as good idea as video chat confession, but I think they're on the right track.

I'm very tempted right now to start a twitter account as "GOD" and reply to some of these prayers people are praying. Kind of Jim Carrey like in Bruce Almighty... you could practically turn it in to a full time job!

What would the internet be without God?


Personally I think it would be an endless loop of facebook quizzes.


Text God?

I guess this is a little misleading because you cant "text" God using an ACTUAL phone. You can, however, send him one of 4 thoughtful messages from a website I stumbled across.

These messages include:


Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world?

Will You forgive all of my sins?

What should I do with my life?

What do You want from me?


Wow. All of those cover exactly what I need to know when I am in an emotional cul-de-sac and surfing the web. God if you're a fan of Sputterpop and you happen to find this... PLEASE SMITE THE PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS SITE! Its total blasphemy. Not only does God "respond" (in txt spk) to the automated questions that are asked but he gives detailed instructions on how to use the simulated "phone" in front of you ("push here", ect.). I personally think they should have, at the VERY least given God a hip simulated iphone... but thats just me. ALSO -the answers from "God" all have a bibilical inscription to really bring home his message. Why doesn't the "text" just say: "read ur bible".

Am I the only one who finds this SO wrong AND OFFENSIVE TO PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS!  Seriously! If the people behind this website were clever they would have actually assigned a number to "God" so people can text "him" for real. Even that is like crazy to think about. Its basically like telling your kids to text Santa what they want for Christmas. Santa is OLD and should never be hip to text. Just sayin'.

