June 2010

Helen Thomas In Hot Water

Helen Thomas at age 89 is a good, decent, honest reporter who should have expressed herself much better in response to a reporter's question. See the video.

I am sure that she knows enough history to know that there have been Jewish people in Palestine for some time. She was asked for her opinion of Israel. The interview is dated May 27 before the Israeli security forces unwise and stupid attack on a peace convoy in international waters, an attack that killed twenty peace activists. But the question came after many other heavy handed and over the top actions by Israeli forces in the Middle East, including Israel's destruction of Lebanon in 2006. Ms. Thomas is of Lebanese descent. I watched the video that is being circulated on the Internet by a right-wing group, and is being promoted by the right-wing media and others whom are screaming that she hate Jews and should lose her job!

Robert Redford on the BP Oil Spill

Robert Redford has put a video on YouTube saying that the BP Gulf disaster is a wake up call to all of us to get the country to move toward a clean energy future, that citizens must push the "politicians in the government that are in collusion with the energy companies" to move America.away from fossil fuels. See the video.

Robert Redford is a conservationist and environmentalist who has for a long time advocated all things green. He and others are making a big push while the Gulf environmental crisis is in the news and on the minds of the American people. With America's East coast under threat of an ecological disaster, it is easier to point out the clear and present danger of off shore drilling, and of relying on the so-called expertise of the oil companies to know and to do what is best for our energy needs.

Three Cheers for Captain Picard!

Captain Picard's visit to Buckingham Palace, in the United Kingdom, this week, was not to brief England's head of state on Klingon business. Picard, one of the greatest captains in all of Starfleet history, was there to receive a small measure of his due. Yes, a knighthood. No, England's Queen did not bestow a knighthood on the good captain for saving the universe, a thousand times over, or for exploring the distant galaxies. No, she conferred upon him, Picard -- rather on Patrick Stewart, the title "Sir Knight", because Mr. Stewart is one of the best actors on the English stage. Mr Steward is also a star of TV, film, and of the English speaking live theater. He is one of the world's best actors. And he is a jolly good fellow! So now Picard / Mr Stewart is Sir Patrick Captain!

England's Queen is said to be a fan of the Star Trek. That speaks well for her.

Why Not An American?

Last night, Wednesday, June 2nd, the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, presented the former Beatle, Sir Paul McCartney of the United Kingdom, with a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to popular music. The award is the U.S. Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. Sir Paul became the third Gershwin prize recipient after the Americans Paul Simon and Stevie Wonder, whose titles are "American Citizen." and "America Citizen".

Don't get me wrong. I think Paul McCartney is a great song writer. I am a Beatles fan. My question is: Should American's highest award for song writing, handed out by the U.S. Library of Congress, be given to a non-American? Is the Booker Prize, England highest literary award given to a non-Brit or non-member of the Brit's Commonwealth? No.

Palin's ‘Nazi tactics’?

Joe McGinniss is writing a book about Sarah Palin, and he has moved next door to her and she doesn't like it. In fact she has reacted badly and has organized a campaign to do a number on Joe McGinniss.

Mr McGinniss said of Mrs. Palin's reaction, " And I think it’s probably a lesson for the American people of the power Palin has to incite hatred and her willingness and readiness to do it. She has pushed a button and unleashed the Hounds of Hell, and now that they’re out there slavering and barking and growling. And that’s the same kind of tactic and I’m not calling her a Nazi, but that’s the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the ’30s. And I don’t think there is any place for it in America." See the video.

McCartney on the BP Oil Spill

Paul McCartney called the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico a “disgrace” and “terrible.” At the top of the video he also said President Obama is a "great guy." But what interest me is the statement he made about BP. See the video.

When asked what he thinks of the Gulf oil spill he says. “It’s a disgrace. I think the fact that something like that could happen and the people who are to blame don’t have the ability to instantly cap it and clean it up, it’s something that’s got to be addressed.”

That is the key point about off shore drilling. If the oil companies can't cap a busted well, quickly, they shouldn't be drilling off shore. I am now opposed to off shore drilling because America can not trust the oil companies to drill safely, to follow the regulations in place. But now I add this to my reasons for opposing off shore drilling .
