September 2010

Dance Moves Attract Women

Science marches on. CBS news reports "a new study by British scientists finds that women tend to be more attracted, or in some cases turned off, by the way a man can dance." See the video.

This was a scientific study, the world is told, and was not done just to provide employment to idle minds. The idea was to find which male dance moves appeal to the female. Why? To discover the best mating dance? Why?

So the best dancers can mate? And the human species will weed out the wall flowers? So that men can know what to do on the dance floor? So? Well, why not? This is science? Scientists must know everything, correct?

$75K a year Buys Happiness?

Those scientists and researchers are at work again, busting their brains to come up with stuff. that --Well!

A survey, reported in yesterday's, (Tuesday), edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, of "50,000 Americans conducted in 2008 and 2009 for the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index that included questions on people's day-to-day happiness and their overall life satisfaction, (concluded) that Happiness got better as income rose but the effect leveled out at $75,000.. Their overall sense of success or well-being continued to rise as their earnings grew beyond that point."

But $75K is the happiness point, below that we're all miserable?

No Parole for John Lennon's Killer

John Lennon's killer was again denied parole in New York, yesterday, Tuesday, he has served nearly 30 years for assassinating John Lennon, the ex-Beatle, outside John Lennon's New York City apartment building in December of 1980. See the video.

John Lennon is an international pop music icon. He was assassinated, because, during his life, he was an international pop music icon. His death wasn't a crime of passion, wasn't the result of some accident in the heat of the moment, didn't happened because of some other criminal act, wasn't done for money, for political or for religious reasons, or even for random reckless amusement, was done deliberately, because he was John Lennon.

A completely innocent man is deliberately gunned down and his murderer expects parole? An icon of a generation is cut down and his killer expects to be let out of jail?

Angelina Jolie Doing Good

Angelina Jolie, in her role as a United Nation's Goodwill Ambassador, visited the flood areas of Pakistan, yesterday, Tuesday. The UN hopes that Ms. Jolie will draw attention to long-term needs of flood-hit victims in Pakistan, and will help spur the international community to continue to send aid to that country.

France 24News reports that "The floods that hit Pakistan at the end of July have caused the worst natural disaster in the countries history. They continue to blanket a fifth of the country and and mass homelessness, disease and potential short term food shortages are still major causes for concern." See the videos.

Spreading goodwill is something that Ms. Jolie does well . She has a history of helping out, of going into areas of natural disasters, where the people need the aid of the international community , and of pitching in, giving her time, her talent and her money.

Virtual Girlfriends

Some Japanese young men instead of playing games in which they blow up stuff, defeat monsters, and defend the planet earth against an alien threat, are playing a video game with the goal of maintaining a relationship with a virtual girlfriend, and like comic-con caters to sci-fi and comic book geeks, a resort hotel in Japan is catering to these dudes with their virtual girlfriends The resort is called 'Love Plus' Resort, a place where real live young men go for expensive weekends with their virtual girlfriends.

There are plenty of jokes and questions about this. First joke: This is a joke! Is this a joke or what!?

Answer: Not a joke. It's a way for young men to pass time, and for game makers to make money, and for a resort to make money.
